Monday, October 24, 2011


The Border is a new work created by Norwegian playwright, director and choreographer Jo Strømgren to be presented today and tomorrow at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre.

In partnership with the Norwegian Embassy, this company is in South Africa to perform this theatre/dance piece that recently premiered in Norway and received great reviews.

A man and a woman of different nationalities share a workplace in a Consulate far north. Mutual respect is a virtue but, beneath the surface, a territorial war is taking place. Perhaps even more is at stake, like the discovery of emotional addiction. To each other, to the game itself, or a vicious mix of both as is often the case between the sexes. With a bit of imagination, yet another level of understanding is possible. Could this troublesome co-existence resemble a classic border dispute between two nations?

Jo Strømgren Kompani is supported by The Norwegian Art Council. South African tour 2011 financed by the Norwegian Embassy in South Africa. This is a part of a collaboration with Pahn (DTS) that aims to create long-term artistic collaborations between South Africa and Norway.

The Border will be presented on October 24 25 at 19h30 at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre. Admission free but tickets need to be reserved on 031 260 3133.
The production then moves on to Johannesburg where it will have two performances at the Market Theatre on November 4 and 5. For more information visit