Saturday, October 22, 2011


The National Arts Council has issued a call for three-year company funding applications.

Registered organizations, groups and companies active in the disciplines of Music, Theatre, Dance, Multi-discipline, Craft, Visual Arts and Literature are invited to apply for a three-year company funding (2012-2015).

The main focus in this funding cycle will be job creation which is to be in line with the government’s new economic growth path. Arts organizations and companies are encouraged to outline in their proposals how they envisage creating jobs within their programmes or providing skills that will enhance job creation opportunities.

The following documents should be submitted as part of the application. A proposal which includes a three year business plan (2012-15); an artistic profile of the organization, and an Outreach and Development Plan. Also required are recent Audited financial statements, Management and Board Structure and the Transformation Agenda of your company.

The proposal should also be accompanied by the Company registration certificate, latest Tax Clearance certificate, three months latest Bank Statement and certified ID copies of office bearers. Also attached should be three references as well as media reviews or samples of work done.

The closing date is November 18 with outcomes published on March 15, 2012.

Only applications sent by post, couriered or hand-delivered will be accepted. The National Arts Council’s postal address is PO Box 500, Newtown, 2113. The physical address is 66 Margaret Mcingana Street, Market Theatre Precinct, Newtown, 2113.

More information from Mr Thato Monamodi at the NAC Office on 011 838 1383 or e-mail: