Saturday, September 15, 2018


Affectionately known as South Africa’s “Fame School’ for the performing arts, The Waterfront Theatre College from Cape Town comes to Durban to hold auditions for their next intake of students on September 20, 2018.

The tertiary college has quickly earned a reputation for creating the ‘triple threat’, producing talents that can sing, dance and act. Founded by South African Theatre TV legends Keith Galloway and Delia Sainsbury in 1992, The Waterfront Theatre College offers a unique opportunity to study varied aspects of the performing arts under one roof.

A four-year training programme is offered with a combination of singing, dancing and acting. The programme is principally vocational with a strong emphasis on developing the skill-set relevant to a successful career in either performing or teaching, or both.

As a conservatoire of the arts, The Waterfront Theatre College’s programme is rooted in practice and aligned to global trends in the performing arts. All the staff are internationally, and nationally trained teachers who offer a wealth of practical experience relevant to the ever evolving nature of the performing arts industry.

“Our intimate environment and personal investment in each student ensure that individual needs are supported and personal goals aligned to future objectives.” said Delia Sainsbury, Founder and Managing Director.

An audition fee of R400 is payable prior to audition (phone Mary for details – see below)

-Monologue (approx. 3mins) the auditionee should have a knowledge of the play, playwright and monologue in context.
-Poem of own choice (approx. 1 min)
Both pieces must be performed from memory; text supplied and well presented.

-Sight-reading and an improvisation will be given.
-A song must be performed either with backing track (no vocals) or with pianist (the College can provide a pianist, please advise in advance) or unaccompanied

-You will be required to perform two dances of contrasting style at your highest level of training.  Good recordings must be provided on a CD only.
-Deliver a prepared reading from any book of your choice (approx 1 min).  Bring the text with you.  Perform a song of your own choice, which may be done unaccompanied.
-Write an essay on one of the following subjects:
-Biography on any famous dancer
-Why have you chosen dance as a professional career
-What other aspects of the performing arts interest you

Perform 2 songs of your own choice in contrasting style.  One song must show movement.
You may use non-vocal backing track; pianist accompaniment (the College can provide a pianist, please advise in advance) or unaccompanied

-A prepared monologue (approx 1 min) of your choice – please bring text.

-Write an essay on one of the following subjects: your favourite musical; your favourite singer or your favourite composer

Please dress appropriately and bring water, refreshments and towel.

The auditions will take place at the Durban Actors Studio on September 20, 2018.

Anyone interested in finding out more about the auditions process, or to book a slot, should contact Mary on or phone 021 418 4600 or visit