Tuesday, June 2, 2020


The Durban-based KwaZulu-Natal Society of Arts (KZNSA) hosts exhibitions focusing on up-and-coming local artists needing assistance to launch their careers and has a craft shop that supports over 200 local crafters and independent makers by selling their product and working on product design with them.

 The gallery and shop employ six people. They also have a café that provides employment for 17 people. Many people think that the KZNSA is provided for by government, but they do not receive operational funding from municipal, provincial or national entities. If they do receive funding it must be used on projects and it does not cover operating expenses. For this reason, the KZNSA relies on income from the craft shop and café to keep their doors open.

 Since the country has been in lock-down they have not been able to trade and cannot generate any turnover to pay overheads. They are asking for much-needed help to keep their wonderful staff employed and their doors open through this crisis.

 “With your help we can cover our overheads during lockdown and create an online shop to support local artists and crafters by selling their work. Your support, however small, will help us immensely,” says a KZNSA representative.

 To donate visit https://gogetfunding.com/kznsa/