Saturday, June 27, 2020


Phansi Museum has launched a new online effort - Phansi Museum Webinar Lectures with Paul Mikula. There are four online lectures to join and enjoy:

Nguni History

Friday, June 26, 11h30

We discuss the origins of our Nguni Brothers and Sisters who are part of the greater Bantu family, who make up the overwhelming majority of the South African population.


Friday, July 3, 11h30

We will be guided by the art, although the word and term is not known in Traditional Africa.


Tuesday, July 7, 11h30

Jump into stories and storytelling as Paul Mikula delves deeper into what this aspect of culture means, and how oral history is exciting and should be celebrated.


Thursday, July 9, 11h30

We will show how culture is always on the lookout for new forms of expression and never stands still as it deals with ever-changing circumstances and situations.

These are family-friendly, so gather all round your computer screens for a 30-minute presentation, followed by a 10-minute Q&A to answer your burning questions!

Please note: once you have purchased your online tickets via Quicket, you will automatically receive a login ID and a password to enter the zoom lecture. Please ensure you have downloaded the latest version of zoom ( During the last 10 minutes of the lecture, feel free to switch your microphone on to ask questions.

To book visit: