Tuesday, June 2, 2020


(Right: Photograph by Samora Chapman)

Two visual artists are selling their work on-line, sharing the proceeds with the Denis Hurley Centre.

One is photographer, Samora Chapman, who has used words and pictures to tell the stories of some of the homeless men and women during lockdown. High-res, signed, limited edition prints of the portraits are available to buy.

(Left: North Coast Road Mosque. Ink on watercolour paper by Nikhil Tricam 2020)

That project is called Street Dreamers and it is balanced by Street Dreamscapes – beautiful ink drawings by Nikhil Tricam who reminds us of the images of the city from before corona. Both sets of works can be viewed and bought via www.samorachapman.com

You can read the full stories on https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/…/2020-05-03-street-dreame…/

For more information and to donate, visit: www.denishurleycentre.org