Saturday, August 10, 2024


Trader Penny Hardman of Vintage Collectables / Vintage crafted silver cutlery jewellery shows her range to her customer. Pic: Gailene Small)

On Sunday September 1, 2024, from 09h00 until 14h00, the Cunningham family will open their home as a venue for a craft market.

 Over 40 stalls that have been carefully selected will be offering a variety of quality products.

The philosophy is that the items on sale are hand-crafted and/or are unique. 

The organisation supports traders who contribute to conscious living.


(Right: Trader Willie Beetge, The Frying Dutchman who sells artisanal bread. Andy Basset shows his purchase)

Join the Cunninghams at 111 Pig n Whistle Drive in Clansthal, the rolling garden offers shade and beautiful sea views. There will be light meals and refreshments to enjoy while you relax and listen to music. As this is a private garden, they request no visiting dogs.

This boutique craft market provides a platform for the Clansthal Conservancy to raise funds for the conservancy’s projects in the area.

The venue is at 111 Pig & Whistle Drive, Clansthal, KwaZulu-Natal South Coast.

For more information: Contact Liz Cunningham at or 083 556 8108