Wednesday, September 25, 2024



(Above: Gille de Vlieg, Meeting under a tree to discuss possible removal from land, Ntombi's camp, KwaZulu-Natal, 1988)

The KZNSA would like to remind art lovers of the exciting and highly engaging exhibition coming up and the events around it.

On Friday September 27 at 17h30, the KZNSA will be opening A Luta Continua: Reflecting on 30 years of democracy through the Constitutional Court Art Collection. DJs Gary Church and David Spurrett will provide the soundtrack to the evening's festivities with an eclectic selection of music including songs of freedom.

On Saturday September 28 there will be a free public walkabout led by the Constitutional Court Art Collection team from 10h00 until 11h30. RSVP for the opening night and public walkabout to

The exhibition is accompanied by an extensive talks programme about the art and justice, and the Con Court architecture and art collection. Talks will take place at the gallery on October 4 and 18 and on November 1 from 16h30 to18h00, and at 10h00 to 12h00 on November 2. Keep an eye on the gallery’s socials for details of the talk subjects and speakers. Workshops for educators will also address aspects of the Bill of Rights and the work of the Con Court.

Click here to explore the collection virtually: