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Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Enjoy a rare opportunity to see two classics of western theatre when Fett Diva Productions present a limited festival run at the Square Space Theatre on the UKZN campus. Marsha Norman’s Night, Motherand Harold Pinter’s The Loverare two exceptional examples of the art of the stage, filled with intensity, intrigue, and incisive human commentary.

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Night, Mothertells the harrowing story of a young woman’s last night with her mother as she prepares to commit suicide. The play centres on Jessie’s determination to leave behind a life that has not lived up to her expectations and her mother Thelma’s equally strong determination not to let her go. Filled with moments of surprising humour, pathos and emotional truth, this play takes you into the heart of the mother-daughter relationship.

Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter’s play, The Lover, is a deliciously dangerous and evocative examination of the games people play in – and out of – the bedroom. The dynamics of love, lust and power are richly and vividly dramatised in Pinter’s unique sparse style, drawing the audience into the intricate manipulations of Sarah and Richard as they play out the taut narrative of their affair.

This exciting collaboration between teachers and former students provides a platform for some really meaty theatre. Night, Motherfeatures award-winning Durban performers Janna Ramos-Violante, who recently played to excellent reviews in Oleanna, and Tamar Meskin, academic and director at UKZN, who is excited to be back on the other side of the stage for the first time since The Sound of Music. It is directed by Tanya van der Walt, jack of all theatre trades, and now based at the Durban University of Technology.

The Loveris directed by Tamar Meskin, and features well known and award-winning Durban theatre personalities Josette Eales, recently returned from New York, Liam Magner of Neon Anthems and Bay of Plentyfame, and Rowin Munsamy whose most recent work Reality Byteswas a hit at the Musho Festival. Noted scenic and lighting designer Stephen Woodroffe will design sets and lighting.

Night, Motherand The Loverwill be performed on alternate evenings at the Square Space Theatre, UKZN from July 31 to August 10 at 19h30. Night, Mothertakes place on July 31 and August 2, 5, 7 and 9. The Lovercan be seen on August 1, 3, 6, 8 and 10.

Tickets are an affordable R50 (R40 students, scholars, pensioners or for block bookings over 10). For bookings or any further information, contact Claudette Wagner on 031 260 3133, or Josette on 083 672 7732 or Janna on 078 331 6746 (after hours).

NB: Due to the explicit nature of these plays, they are not recommended for children under the age of 16.