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Thursday, August 7, 2008


The creators of Dingalings 1 & 2as well as Bad Girls do go to Heaven, bring you ‘bad boys from hell!’ This is not revenge, girls! This is real men telling you about men like it is!

Chops, Choons and Span of Dopsis a laugh-a-minute comedy combining both skit and stand-up routines to be performed at Suncoast on August 16. Directed by Kumseela Naidoo, the all-male cast features Senzo Mthethwa, Koobeshan Naidoo, Henry Ramkissoon, Pranesh Maharaj and Ravi. This is a Dingaling Production conceived by Yugan Naidoo.

“For the guys – this is a camping trip never to be missed,” say the organisers. “And for the girls – you’ll definitely want to be a fly on this gazebo!”

Performances taken place at the Supernova Theatre at Suncoast on August 16 at 17h00 and 21h00. Tickets R80 available at the box-office at NuMetro Cinecentre at Suncoast.