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Thursday, September 25, 2008


Exhibitors invited for inaugural exhibition and show at ICC Durban early in 2009.

It’s a Woman’s World is an exciting inaugural exhibition and show coming to the Durban International Convention Centre from January 30 to February 1 2009, promising a multi-layered experience which talks particularly to issues and themes of interest to women without alienating male visitors.

The up-market event will have separate sections that appeal to every facet of the women’s market separately packaged under the themes of Uniquely You, Comfortably You and Dynamically You.

Uniquely You will focus on the self: fashion; health and beauty; baby and child care; pampering; bridal; gifts and jewellery; spirituality; women’s interest magazines; arts, crafts and hobbies and pleasures (naughty and otherwise!).

Comfortably You takes in the home environment and will look at trends and innovations in home décor; home finance; food and drink; gardening; furnishings and fittings; Do-It-Yourself; For the Other Half and Antiques and Collectables

Dynamically You moves outside the home and looks at women as decision-makers. It covers areas such as Women in Business; Holidays and Travel; Cars and Transport; Adventure and Sport; Technology and A Greener World

But that’s not all! There is also the Bargain Hunt section, where exhibitors will be offering great deals on excess and end-of-range stock. This should be the January sale to end all January sales!

There is over 1600m2 of very affordable exhibitor space available for It’s a Woman’s World, the space being themed according to the specific sections. Two entertainment areas form part of the show. The first is the Life & Style Arena, a self-contained 600-seater area which will host all-day shows, talks and discussions on subjects relevant to visitors. The luxurious Launch Lounge will be a relaxing area featuring unstructured fashion shows, book and product launches, and offers a wonderful place for like-minded women to interact and network.

The show’s by-line is It’s All About You! and the women of South Africa are being given the opportunity to have their say in the make-up of the event by suggesting topics for inclusion in the “Life & Style” discussion listings. (On the website under the Visitors section, where discount tickets are also available to those who want to surprise their friends with an entertaining day out.)

Discount tickets are also being offered to corporates who want to surprise their staff with a day out at the show. They can also assist previously-disadvantaged entrepreneurs participate on the Show, as part of their Social Responsibility programmes. (“Corporate Options” on the website)

It’s a Woman’s World runs at ICC Durban from January 30 to February 1. Exhibitors are advised to book early as space is selling fast. For more information contact Devra on 031 266 9828 or 083 259 1481 or visit