(Pic of Ralitza Cherneva)
Baroque 2000 continues its season with another concert at the Church of the Monastery Mariannhill on October 19.
Starting at 15h00, the programme will feature Vivaldi’s D major Concerto for two violins, two cellos and strings. Ralitza Cherneva, whose exquisite playing and inspired leadership grace Baroque 2000’s performances, will play one of the violin parts; the other soloists are Valentina Koleva (violin), Cecilia di Cecco and Fiona Grayer (cellos).
The other works are Concerto Grossi by Corelli and Geminiani, and Telemann’s Perpetuum Mobile.
There is ample safe parking and tea, coffee and scones can be enjoyed before the concert in the beautiful Monastery gardens. Tickets at R70 at the door; enquiries to 031 312 5539, or to sursouth@iafrica.com