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Thursday, October 16, 2008


Gallery 415 is currently showcasing the work of Jaco Benade and MJ Lourens.

Pretoria artist, sculptor and film-maker MJ Lourens has already made a name for himself in Gauteng with his stunning cityscapes. His evocative and beautifully rendered dusk scenes have been featured at exhibitions across the country and abroad. MJ's portraits of Durban at dusk capture the city’s unique urban landscape and beguiling coastal light.

“This exhibition follows a hugely successful sell-out show at 415, and we expect as much interest in his new series of Durban landmarks and scenes,” says a Gallery representative. “To view some of his previous paintings – as well his other projects - visit MJ's website at

“Jaco Benade is an accomplished Pretoria artist, who has exhibited locally and also won numerous awards for his paintings,” he continues. “His work is textured and expressive, and spans a range of subject matters and styles - from portraits to still lifes and collages. To view some of his previous work, visit”

Gallery 415 is situated in 415 Umgeni Road, Durban. For more information, visit