(Ralitza Cherneva and Valentina Koleva and Sorin Osorhean. Pics by Michel Schneuwly)
The great Johann Sebastian Bach’s Double Violin Concerto in D minor, and a rare Baroque Concerto for the French Horn by Heinrich Förster will be played by Baroque 2000 on November 30. Soloists in the Bach are Ralitza Cherneva and Valentina Koleva, and the Horn soloist is Sorin Osorhean. Works by Telemann and Muffat are also on the programme .
The concert on November 30 takes place at the Church of the Monastery Mariannhill at 15h00.
This is the penultimate concert of the orchestra’s first season at its beautiful new home at Mariannhill; tea coffee and scones can be enjoyed as usual in the gardens before the concert.
Tickets (R70) will be available at the door and there is ample safe parking. Enquiries to Michel on 031 312 5539. or at sursouth@iafrica.com