(Pic: Drawing by Brenda Richardson)
Brenda Richardson spearheads exhibitors at annual Artisan Gallery exhibition.
They delight the senses … they fuel the imagination … they provide a welcome respite from a hard day’s labour … they’re home to creatures large and small and they’re at the forefront in the fight against climate change. If you hadn’t guessed: We’re talking about TREES.
Collection 2008 – Broken Heirlooms is the focus of Artisan Contemporary Gallery’s much anticipated annual multi-media Collection exhibition.
Spearheading the exhibitors is well-known fine artist Brenda Richardson whose large charcoal drawings focus on “the souls of all those trees that have been sacrificed in the name of progress and development”. Joining her in this group exhibition are leading ceramicists, jewellers, wood-turners, sculptors and fabric artists.
Said Artisan curator, Sue Greenberg: “Aldo Leopold wrote: ‘Acts of creation are ordinarily reserved for gods and poets. To plant a tree, one need only own a shovel.’ Against this backdrop, the exhibitors have been asked to think laterally and organically and focus especially on the threats posed by urban sprawl and relentless logging operations. I am excited about their interpretations of this wondrous, life-giving resource which we all-too-often take for granted”, said Sue.
Collection 2008 - Broken Heirlooms will be opened by art educator and artist Shelagh Scholes in Artisan’s light-filled space at 344 Florida Road, Durban, on November 26 at 18h00. The exhibition will then run through to mid-January 2009. More information on 031 312 4364.