(Pic: "Nasturtium Runner" [oil on canvas] by Bronwen Findlay)
Exhibition by Bronwen Findlay at Tamasa Gallery.
Tamasa Gallery in Overport will host an exhibition by Bronwen Findlay titled Turn Again from November 5.
Turn Again is inspired by flowers which the artist sees and finds in gardens or pavements, on fabrics and textiles, and in books.
The flowers themselves sometimes become part of the paintings, enmeshed in the paint, or they appear on floral tapestries and cloth which inspire the paintings and become part of it. The fabric and flowers are associated with some kind of personal history - each painting has a "story" which relates to a time or moment in the artists life. The paintings are about pattern, colour, manipulation of paint and about ways of responding to flowers.
The exhibition runs until November 22. More information from Tamasa Gallery, 36 Overport Drive, on 031 207 1223.