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Saturday, December 27, 2008


Vijay Maharaj returns to South Africa to launch his book early in January.

Vijay Maharaj, a South African emigrant to Canada, is returning over the holiday season and will launch his book – Injustice - early in January. Part autobiography, part historical narrative and part sociological analysis, the book looks at the fall of apartheid from a distinctly Indian perspective and shows how South Africa’s Indians have found themselves stuck in the middle – caught in a mire of racism and persecution.

The book is said to be thoughtful and provides a very personal insight into the experiences of one family, also giving ideas on how everyone with their different cultures can co-operate to enable all to have freedom of speech and freedom of thought and so build a democracy.

The book will be launched on January 7 and thereafter will be available at Adams Musgrave shop as well as other well-known book stores.