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Monday, December 22, 2008


South African Ballet Theatre announces re-broadcast of “Swan Lake” due to popular demand.

SABC 2 and The South African Ballet Theatre are extremely pleased to announce that, due to public demand, the 2007 production of the world’s most popular ballet Swan Lake, will be re-broadcast on Christmas Day, December 25 on SABC2.

This production was originally broadcast over the 2007 festive season and received an overwhelming positive response from both local and international viewers.

The broadcast will feature Principal dancers Anya Carstens in the dual role of Odette / Odile and Christian Tátchev as Prince Siegfried. The production was produced by Canadian-based Beverley Bagg and features the entire South African Ballet Theatre Company accompanied by The Johannesburg Festival Orchestra under the baton of Graham Scott. Swan Lake is the classic and universal story of good versus evil and has been presented in theatres around the world since 1895.

Ed Worster, Programme Manager: SABC 2 said "SABC 2 is pleased to offer South African ballet lovers a repeat showing of SABT’s stunning production of Swan Lake. The repeat is a response to the enthusiastic reception given to the initial broadcast and our hope is that even more viewers will tune in for our Christmas Day matinee at 13h30 and enjoy the timeless beauty of this ballet classic.”

SABC stalwarts such as multi-camera director Willem Vogel, lighting director Pierre Roestorf, Hulette Pretorius Production: SABC2 Special Events and Director’s Assistant Rina van Heerden formed part of the team who spent many hours at The Johannesburg Civic Theatre during the Swan Lake season in 2007, and their sensitivity towards the subject is evident in the final broadcast version.

The 2007 season of SABT's Swan Lake broke all previous South African Ballet Theatre box office records and the initial broadcast, on national television, was a milestone in the Company’s history having been the first full–length classical ballet to be broadcast in 12 years by the national broadcaster.

The South African Ballet Theatre was founded in 2001 by a handful of dancers and has now grown to employ 35 full time dancers making it the country’s largest professional ballet company. Swan Lake was first performed by The SA Ballet Theatre as the inaugural production presented on the newly-opened Nelson Mandela Stage at The Johannesburg Civic Theatre in 2001.

Patrons who missed the 2007 broadcast are invited to relive the magic by tuning in to SABC 2 on December 25 from 13h30 to 16h30 on SABC2.