Pic: Lesa Bradshaw with Belinda Dolphin(left), Jane Candow (right) and Judy Lowry, owner of Eden Lassie Function Venue
Local cabaret act assists Treatment for Lesa Bradshaw Fundraising Campaign.
Lesa Bradshaw suffers from a progressive motor neuron disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
This vibrant, cheerful 36 year-old who is now confined to a wheelchair and finds even the simplest tasks like rolling over in bed impossible has discovered a treatment available in China which could have a huge impact on her life. The good news is she has been accepted as a good candidate for the treatment. The bad news is that it is going to cost in the region of R350,000.
Mike and Judy Lowry of Eden Lassie Function Venue together with the members of Centrefold have put together an afternoon’s entertainment with lunch and show at 12h30 on March 1 with tickets at R160 pp in order to help Lesa in her bid to get to China for her treatment.
Centrefold will present their popular show The 60’s Revisited inviting audiences to share with them what made the 60’s such a memorable decade - the historical events, the fashion and most of all the music. Numbers will include Downtown, Mustang Sally, the Beatles and loads more.
Those wishing to help this worthy should book tickets through Judy on 083 552 9134.