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Saturday, March 7, 2009


Dept of Arts Culture invites crafters to enter innovative art in wood, clay and fabric.

The Department of Arts and Culture's Craft Competition is a call to South Africa's crafters from all walks of life, cultures and creed to enter their innovative art using the mediums of wood, clay and fabric into the competition.

The objective of the craft awards 2009 is to create an awareness with the purpose of encouraging individuals within the arts and craft industry to send in their entries for the competition and submission of work .

The competition aims to provide both an incentive and a vehicle through which South African artists can focus their energies to do what they do best, which is to be artistic and create works of art and push the boundaries of aesthetic expression.

The due date for submission of entries is February 27 and the awards will take place on April 17, following which there will be an exhibition of the artwork for five days.

Interested crafters individuals need to submit an entry form with an attached photograph of the work. Entry forms can be downloaded from the website at

The works of art can be sent to: PO Box 558, Newtown, Johannesburg. Further information is available on the website.