(Foot painting by Andries Gouws)
Andries Gouws to exhibit seven paintings of feet at March 22’s Open Studio.
Well-known artist Andries Gouws is to take seven paintings of feet, the better part of his artistic production since May 2007, to the Johannesburg Art Fair from April 3 to 5 where they will appearing at the KZNSA booth.
“Even though I'm not counting on [m]any sales, it may be that they'll never be in Durban together again, so I liked the idea of giving interested people in Durban a chance to see them before they are sent off,” explains Andries.
He is therefore holding an open studio on March 22, 2009, at his home in Durban between 13h00 and 16h00. Those who wish to attend should contact him on email: gouwsa@durbs.com or 031 261 6750 for instructions on how to reach the venue.
Images of some of the paintings being shown can be seen at www.andriesgouws.com