national Arts Festival Banner

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Every Wednesday, Bulwer Park hosts fascinating series of performers.

Fire in the Park takes place every second Wednesday from 19h30 to 22h00 in Bulwer Park, Glenwood, directly behind the KZNSA Gallery.

The group unites jugglers, fire poi players, fire staffers, contact jugglers, drummers & bongo players, musicians, percussionists, DJ's and others. Bring paraffin, fire toys, drums, didges, percussion instruments, picnic basket and blankets. Remember to bring friends and family and some woollies in case it turns nippy!

“Come chill and join in a great little outdoor event that's good for the soul,” say the organisers. “A thunderous drumming circle, familiar faces, new faces, old friends and fire lighting up the night sky!”

For updates, join the Facebook group: Fire in the Park, or contact Brendon or Cara