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Saturday, March 7, 2009


Music agent to draw attention to “sad state” of the South African rock ‘n roll music industry.

A music agent in Durban will place himself under “house arrest” and go on a hunger strike from March 8, 2009, in order to draw attention to what he calls, “the sad state of the South African rock ‘n roll music industry.”

Wicked Mike, as he is called, is a CD compiler and the owner of the ezine and the band booking agency

He says that the industry is hobbled by corruption, apathy on both sides of the fence, and that government and corporates are not showing adequate interest in the large band scene. He cites his home city as an example: “There are 3 million people living here. Most band performances are by rock artists yet all have to hold day jobs to survive. There isn’t one successful label, booking agent or club. Now, more than ever with the economic depression on hand and deepening, we need attention.”

His demands are tiered. Nationally, he wants urgent discussion with government for a higher local quota on radio. Provincially, he uses the biggest festival as an example of what’s wrong with the music scene, demanding they change their music policy. Lastly, he wants interaction with local government so that long term projects are initiated, giving the industry goals to aim, recognizing its talent and creating a foundation for job creation.

Follow his actions at