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Thursday, June 18, 2009


Northcliff High School returns with their annual musical.

Northcliff High School in Johannesburg is blessed with visionary leaders who believe that the drama students should have as much national exposure as the school’s sports teams. The annual Northcliff musical which regularly tours to Durban is always eagerly anticipated as theatre lovers know that they will be presented with a top class production showcasing the talents of a large young cast.

Accompanied by their own sets, Northcliff shows are presented in the Playhouse Drama and make full professional use of the theatre’s facilities in terms of lighting and sound. Director Nick Jourdan is to be commended for continually keeping the productions to a high standard and many of his former cast members have gone on to greater glory. Among them is Jonathan Roxmouth, recently seen in Durban in A Handful of Keys, who walked off with the acting honours in Northcliff’s Oklahoma (2002), The Mikado (2003) and Me and My Girl (2004)

This year, Northcliff has chosen the Cole Porter musical Anything Goes which was taken from the book written by Guy Bolton and PG Wodehouse and is set on a cruise liner on its way from New York to London. While it dates back to 1934 when it had its debut on Broadway starring Ethel Merman, the show is as delightful today as it undoubtedly was then. Among the most well-known numbers are the title song, You’re the Top, It’s De-Lovely and I get a Kick Out of You.

The characters include a myopic business tycoon, a gangster and his moll, a debutante and her mother, an English Lord and an evangelist turned nightclub singer. The plot involves mistaken identities, quick-change disguises, comic twists, loads of wit and a deliciously corny script. Lots of challenges for a highly motivated cast.

Jessica Urbani will play the female lead role of Reno Sweeney with David Goldshagg as Billy Brocker. Both performers were seen in Durban last year in Northcliff’s Hello Dolly - Jessica as Irene Molloy and David as Barnaby Tucker.

Anything Goes runs in the Playhouse Drama from June 30 to July 5 with performances at 19h30 and extra matinees on July 4 at 14h30 and July 5 at 15h00. Booking is at Computicket.