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Monday, June 29, 2009


Respected art teacher now conducted art classes every week.

Respected art teacher Fransie Pretorius reports that she has been persuaded to start teaching art again and now holds two Art Classes per week, one on a Wednesday morning and one on a Saturday afternoon.

“With the exception of one or two students, none of the participants in the course had done any art before,” says Fransie “I am amazed at how much each student improved after only attending one or two classes. I am sure we have some budding artists in the make.”

Participating students have the opportunity to develop skills in drawing and painting. Satisfaction with your own progress, is guaranteed. There are opportunities for the exploration of various media including charcoal, pastels, water based paints and oil painting.

“Through the study of art,” continues Fransie, “students become more aware of the world around them, whilst their own hidden ideals and desires become more apparent. Most importantly, students discover their own value, build up their self esteem and experience the sweet taste of achievement and self-realization.

Contact Fransie Pretorius on 031 266 6422 or e-mail: