(Pic: Back: Geoff Shaw, Sylvia Tempest, Scott McConnell, Susan Watt and Jerryn Fosteras with (front) Ruth Thipe, Rashid Fataar and Dani Cook)
Slick, talented cast sing their hearts out for a good charitable cause in a most entertaining show. (Review by Maurice Kort)
The Westville Theatre Club not only has very talented members, musically and vocally, but they also have heart. Continuing their winning formula of raising funds for worthy causes, doing what they do best - musical evenings - having performed the previous benefit shows Rock for Asia (for the Tsunami survivors) and Rock for Africa (for Aids orphans) they have now compiled and are presenting the most entertaining Rock for St Thomas under the able direction of Jill Sysum for the St Thomas Home for Children, a charity they have taken under their wings and to whom they donate a percentage of the profits from every show as well as offering support in other ways.
The St Thomas Home for Children, situated in Sherwood, Durban, is a place of safety for up to 60 children between the ages of two and ten years, from orphaned, abandoned or dysfunctional households. On this occasion all the funds raised are for this cause. What has precipitated this additional support is a devastating fire which swept through part of the building in March 2009 damaging the hall and crèche which will have to be completely rebuild causing them severe hardship and loss of revenue of R10,000 per month as they had rented out the hall to the community for events.
The enthusiastic, talented cast of ten singers, five male and five female, deliver a total of 38 songs in rapid succession moving smoothly from each one to the next, either with the full ensemble, in various combinations, or in solo numbers. With so many songs, there are bound to be many which will entertain and enthral the audience, no matter what their taste, in fact, they are all bound to be enjoyed.
It is therefore unfair to single out individual numbers and singers but the following give a sample of what you can expect to hear in this Rock & Roll show in which the audience is encouraged to participate: Teddy Bear (Jerryn Fosteras), Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow (Susan Watt), The Wonder of You (Rashid Fataar), Those Were the Days (Sylvia Tempest), A Little Help from my Friends (Lawrence Sysum), Mac the Knife (Ruth Thipe), Red Roses for a Blue Lady (Geoff Shaw), Do You Know (Dani Cook), Do You Want to Dance (Scott McConnell) and Puppet on a String (Jill Sysum). Particularly enjoyable was the harmonisation in Spanish Harlem by the men and the enthusiastic Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Good Night Sweet Heart by the full ensemble.
With the many costume changes (credit to Lynda Hoddinott) there is never a dull moment in this very slick show. The band of Heather Dix (piano and musical director), Paul Prydderch (bass guitar), Hylton Blignault (rhythm guitar), Shawn O'Neill (lead guitar) and Richard Tempest (drums) are also most professional. Also deserving mention are the MC (Malcolm Dix), Kevin Hillier (sound) and Ross Thomson (lighting).
In addition to a raffle, the Club has a novel method of raising funds in their charitable ventures, and at the same time giving well received encores. The programme lists five popular "Songs for Sale" for which the audience bid and this bidding could be for any of the songs in the show as well. The audience is most generous in their requests. Bidding for Lily the Pink and Grandma’s Feather Bed are a must.
For a most entertaining evening, and you'll also feel good in supporting a good cause, rock up with your pennies, or rather notes, for the remaining two performances of Rock for St Thomas which is being performed at the Westville Theatre Club (next to the Westville Pool) from June 23 to 27 2009 at 20h00. Doors open at 19h00 so bring your own snacks and drinks to enjoy before and during the show. For bookings contact Shirley 082 343 6971 or Jill 083 782 1054. – Maurice Kort