Groundcover in Curry’s Post to host event as part of the Rolling Exhibition in the Midlands. (Article by Estelle Sinkins, Courtesy of The Witness)
Groundcover in Curry’s Post will host an exhibition of works by members of the Sculptors’ Guild, titled The Foundryman’s Choice, from June 13 to 28, as part of the Rolling Exhibition initiated by the Crafters’ Guild.
The works on show are all made of bronze. Spokeswoman Sarah Richards said: “Generally people in South Africa sideline sculpture, often because they know very little about it. Oil paintings are bought enthusiastically by the public, but not sculpture for some reason. Strange really since a sculpture, especially bronze and stone, will outlast any painting by hundreds of years, making it a really good investment.”
Artists taking part include Richards, Mike Mawdlsey, Llewellyn Davis, Kim Goodwin, Sarah Lovejoy, Niël Jonker and Peter Hall.
Also on show during the Rolling Exhibition is a collection of Dell Hall’s paintings depicting country life and values and Groundcover’s own range of top-quality Nguni leather products and finely handcrafted leather footwear and accessories. Visitors will also be able to support the /A!kunta Project by purchasing fair trade products made by the San, the first people of Southern Africa.
Groundcover owner Justin McCarthy said: “The revival of the Rolling Exhibition and the formation of the Sculptor’s Guild takes us back to the origins of the Meander and the spirit of co-operation.
“Recent research by the University of KwaZulu-Natal into the Meander economy strongly recommends the association ‘revive the arts and craft focus’. The Midlands Meander Association board is taking this advice seriously and are making every effort to attract top-end artists. I hope this and future exhibitions will strengthen the spirit of cooperation and expose the many talented artists and crafters tucked away in our hills and country lanes,” he adds.
More information on 033 330 6092. (See further article by Estelle Sinkins on Rolling Exhibition)