Exceptional exhibition of photographs by Dennis Gilbert to be seen at Durban Art Gallery.
Coinciding with the launch of the book Working in Warwick is an exceptional exhibition of photographs by Dennis Gilbert, a South African born British photographer which can be seen at the Durban Art Gallery.
In 2008, these images won a prestigious award with the Association of Photographers in London. They were commissioned for the book by the authors - architect Richard Dobson and research fellow Caroline Skinner.
The exhibition is expected to raise much interest considering the current upgrading of the Warwick Junction area and the controversial removal of the informal traders.
The photographs are a unique record of a dynamic inner city area in Durban South Africa and visually celebrate the urban poor working in public spaces. The Warwick Junction Urban Renewal Project has received domestic and international acclaim for its active support for street traders. This local authority project was tasked with tackling urban management and design challenges in Warwick, the primary transport hub of Durban. Since there are few examples in South Africa or internationally where street traders are incorporated into urban planning, the story of Warwick is worth telling, both in the book and in the exhibition.
Dennis Gilbert’s approach describes the architecture and the infrastructure in which the traders operate, with the intention of revealing the rigour and intrigue of their daily lives. The exhibition and the book are a fresh look at street traders’ lives, the role they play in city life and their contribution to the economy. Lifted out of the book the photographs introduce the project to a broader public exciting interest in the possibility of integrating street traders into urban plans in a way that adds to the vibrancy and attraction of cities.
Working in Warwick runs at the Durban Art Gallery,2nd Floor City Hall, Smith Street, Durban from June 24 to August 2. Dennis Gilbert will be present at the opening of the exhibition which is curated by local artist, Bernice Stott.
More information from the Durban Art Gallery on 031 311 2264, fax 031 311 2273 or email: strettonj@durban.gov.za