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Monday, July 20, 2009


Rockers Opposing Women and Child Abuse campaigns

The launch of ROWACA (Rockers Opposing Women and Child Abuse) took place in Pretoria and Durban on July 18 in order to raise running costs towards the August and October campaigns.

ROWACA (pronounced “ROW” “WAKKA”) is a concerned collective of music industry agents and musicians breaking the silence on crime against women and children whilst actively raising funds to help its victims.

August 2009 will witness the organisation make history as it hosts performances nationally in Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. Utilizing bars, clubs and event arenas, large and small, there are currently 12 fundraisers but with 50 bands having already donated their services in the past month, and more being added weekly, this will increase.

The second fundraising drive will be more specific and will feature larger events in major centres in September and October. Concerts are in negotiation for Hangklip (Cape), Pietermaritzburg (KZN), Pretoria, Nelspruit and Johannesburg. With an estimated half of South African women abused or raped, there is severe need for attention. The recipients will be rape crisis clinics and first recipients for attention are GRIP (Mpumalanga) and the Wentworth Victim Support Centre (Durban).

2009 will also establish the Ambassador program whereby a few, quality artists offering their free services for one year will be assisted in their careers through highlighted, regular performances.

ROWACA’s goal is to get every quality band they encounter to donate one performance fee but accepting that free band performances will not occur in perpetuity, these will be rationed. To compensate, ROWACA will run a Loyalty program whereby 10% of the ticket price is donated in return for the event being branded and the donators recognized.

Future projects being considered are performances assisting rehabilitation of prisoners and outspoken events aimed at addressing issues such as crime. There is also a need for a national site assisting rape victims. There are many crisis centres but a central location would make it much easier for victims to get help. ROWACA will also assist fundraisers set up by others by providing a performance for free or at a reduced price.

Fundraising ideas include the raffling of a private performance by a famous band to an anti-abuse/stop the crime march involving band members and their fans. Importantly, campaigns such as Save the Kids! and Stop the Rape! will be annual so that they can grow in size.

The goal is to fundraise internationally as well so and ROWACA is currently looking for agents in Los Angeles and London, cities where a number of South African bands have relocated to in order to grow their music careers.

For more information email: or visit

Also visit the Facebook group url - – which welcomes contributions to the donation box (tinned food, old clothes for all ages from baby's to adults, books, toys, new toothpaste and toothbrushes)