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Friday, July 31, 2009


Centre for Fine Art, Animation and Design Young Artist Programme.

The Centre for Fine Art, Animation and Design (CFAD) is a tertiary institution that offers training in fine art, animation (2D and 3D) and graphic design. It was established in 1994 by internationally acknowledged cartoonist, illustrator and journalist Nanda Soobben. It is from a need in the community that the institution was born.

Situated in Durban’s CBD, the CFAD recently wrapped up their annual Winter Vacation Young Artist Programme in which high school learners with an affinity to art and design were given a taste of post-matric art studies in a college environment for the duration of the July school holidays.

The project – now in its ninth year – sees talented youngsters aged between 10 and 18 years working through an intensive art course, not usually offered at high school level. Among the modules covered will be drawing, painting, computer graphics, animation and introduction to Toon Boon animation. The course ran from July 11 to 18 daily at the CFAD campus in Albany Grove.

“It is going very well!” enthused Krish Moodley, CFAD Academic Director, at the time. “We have more students that we anticipated – there are 42 youngsters which demonstrates a lot more interest this year than previous years. The youngsters are very focused and reliable. They are having a good time, but they have got their heads down and are working hard! We have a mix of age groups, backgrounds and skills levels which is great. We also have some students who have done the course before and are returning for more. One youngster is doing the course for the third time!”

“This project is part of CFAD’s long term commitment to create artistic opportunities for talented young people,” enthuses Nanda Soobben, Creative Director of CFAD. “We have had phenomenal response from running the course over previous years and this year is particularly exciting.”

For more info on the Winter Vacation Young Artist Programme and the other projects run at CFAD, contact Sasha on 031 305 2480.