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Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Pieter Scholtz’s latest novel to be launched on August 20.

The launch of Pieter Scholtz’s latest novel, Milo and the Sunflower, will take place on August 20 at Adams Bookshop in Musgrave Road at 17h30 for 18h00.

It is a story about a boy named Milo who is epileptic. His seizures are accompanied by what appear to be hallucinations or visions, triggered by his immediate experiences. However, Milo realises that his hallucinations are not simply flights or fancy or fantasy, but frighteningly real.

The story is also an exploration of the world around us, seen through the eyes of Milo. During the course of the story, he journeys from innocence to maturity, leaving his childhood behind him. His companions on the journey are his mother Angelique and his close friend Katrina. His relationship with them becomes the central stabilizing factor in confronting his problems.

However, it is primarily an adventure story which culminates after several episodes in Milo assisting a family of struggling gymnasts to develop their act and regain their sense of self-worth.

“For some time I have been fascinated by accounts of how young people who are autistic or suffer from epilepsy, develop remarkable skills or artistry,” explains Pieter Scholtz. “It seems that as a result of their condition, they are able to express a heightened awareness of their inner and outer worlds through drawing or painting.

“I have attempted to let the reader share with Milo, the discovery of the connection between life and art, as he makes contact with some of the major impressionist and post-impressionist artists of our time, including Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso and Van Gogh.‘

The “Profiles” and suggested research at the end of the book, focus on the artists and their work, reflected in Milo’s drawings and paintings. These explorations will provide younger readers with a clearer understanding of the work of some of the leading artists of our time.