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Sunday, August 9, 2009


New blog based in Cape Town run by critic, artist, feminist, WWE fan and cultural commentator Linda Stupart.

Mixtape is a new blog based in Cape Town and organised by Linda Stupart as a manifestation of a project in which she collaborates with a large group of smart and interesting cultural producers. As such, Mixtape documents these collaborations. The blog also serves as a space for each member of the project to post whatever they like: The invitation reads: “Tell us what they’re making, thinking, doing or, even, feeling.”

The blog also forms a space for this Cape Town based critic, artist, feminist, WWE fan and cultural commentator, to post her writing.

Launched on July 19, Mixtape has already seen 17 posts by ten different contributors; with posts ranging from documentation of a melting ice sculpture, to angry poetry, new music by Simon Tamblyn, fashion photography by Migi Linders and an article about WWE’s the Undertaker, with reference to French theorist, Roland Barthes.

“With National Women’s Day around the corner, we’ve also seen new drawings by Hugh Upsher that deal with the representation of women in cyberspace, a post about women’s rights and freedoms (or lack thereof) in South Africa, and we’re expecting new posts on the subject in the week to come, including a contribution by Graffiti legend, Faith47,” say the organisers.

As well as just documenting and commenting on contemporary popular culture, Mixtape encourages real-life collaboration, with Stupart working on art-related projects with all those involved, and beginning a process of intense discussion and collaboration with a new generation of Cape Town’s cultural producers.

For more information visit