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Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Second and third year DUT Drama Students present dance drama inspired by Albinism.

The Durban University of Technology, Television, Drama and Production Studies is to presents the annual Dance Drama, this year entitled Rejected Angels - a season of thought-provoking contemporary dance inspired by Albinism.

"Discrimination against albinos is a serious problem throughout sub-Saharan Africa, but recently in Tanzania it has taken a wicked twist. Many people in Tanzania and across Africa, for that matter believe albinos have magical powers and witch doctors are now marketing albino skin, bones and hair as ingredients in potions that are promised to make people rich".

Rejected Angels addresses rumours and strange beliefs made by witch doctors that if you use a bald head when fishing you will get rich and If you spread an albino blood on the ground in a mine, you will find gold. These rumours come and go but the problem is, the people who follow witch doctors do not question them.

This production involves all the second and third year Drama Students who specialise in Theatre Dance and showcases four works by acclaimed Durban based choreographers Mdu Mtshali, Sifiso Majola, Musa Hlatshwayo, Sifiso Khumalo and Directed by a Dance Lecturer Mdu Mtshali.

Rejected Angels runs from August 17 to 21 August at 19h00 at The Courtyard Theatre (DUT Mansfield Road). Bookings on 031 373 2194 or email: