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Tuesday, September 8, 2009


First joint performance project of DUT and UKZN drama departments.

FrontLines, a new production creatively exploring aspects of global war and conflict, sees a collaboration for the first time between the drama departments of the Durban University of Technology and the University of KwaZulu-Natal in their first joint performance project together which opens at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre on September 15.

FrontLines is a collection of thoughts, images, testimonies, letters and responses to global conflict in the 20th century. Told as image theatre, aspects of war are examined in a non-linear expressionist way. The production touches on the two World Wars, Vietnam, the SADF, genocide, terrorism, the holocaust, xenophobia, Iraq and the recent conflicts throughout Africa. The production attempts to present a personal view of the global political issues with well researched private letters, photographs, reflections, anecdotes, narratives, songs and stories.

Jointly devised and directed by Tanya van der Walt, (DUT) and Tamar Meskin (UKZN), FrontLines plays on a set designed by Stephen Woodroffe and Rogers Ganesan, with lighting designed by Wesley Maherry and Julian August. Choreography is by Rowin Munsamy.

FrontLines runs at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre from September 15 to 20. Tickets at the door or bookings through Claudette Wagner on 031 260 3133, fax 031 260 1410 or email: