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Monday, September 14, 2009


Popular multi-media arts event to be revived on September 25.

Red Eye is a multi-media arts event which was conceived in 1998 at the Durban Art Gallery. The initiative was started to create a platform for new, up and coming artists to exhibit their work in a prominent space, and to make art accessible to all.

It is now three years since the last event and the organisers are planning on reviving the concept with a one-night only spectacle true to Red Eye tradition. Red Eye: Ready? will mark the dawning of a new era for the Durban inner city. The title poses the question of whether Durban is up to the challenge of once again being a platform for the most popular arts event to date, and also to dare artists and the public to step up and be part of this exciting venture.

The programme promises to include a spectacle of an evening with artists, musos, dance and of course food and drink! The event will be showcased on September 25 beginning at 19h00 at the Durban Art Gallery with the after-party happening across the road at the King Club.

Tickets at door. More information from the Durban Art Gallery on 031 311 1111.