, and Join Aaron, Krijay, Ben and Lisa for an evening of laughter - and spread a little happiness in the Playhouse Opera on September 23
“Comedy is the one job you can do badly and no-one will laugh at you”, someone once quipped. There’s little chance of that happening with the powerhouse laughter show, What’s Funny in SA, set to play in the Playhouse Opera on September 23, when Lisa Bobbert, Krijay Govender, Aaron McIlroy and Ben Voss - four of the funniest people on Durban’s entertainment circuit - join forces in support of the Dare to Dream Children’s Trust.
The phenomenally popular foursome, who collectively exercise formidable box-office pull, are set to combine their unique brands of humour, demonstrating that laughter is a tonic that can spread a great deal of happiness. They invite audiences to join them in supporting the evening’s worthwhile cause, and in the process enjoy a great time together as they perform their individual comic sketches.
Stand by to hold onto your seats - and your sides - during What’s Funny in SA? McIlroy followers are all too familiar with his justly-held accreditation for single-handedly shifting the live entertainment genre into the realm of an extreme sport with an ongoing string of bumper box office hits.
Govender, whose hugely popular Queens of Comedy appearances have been synonymous with sold-out signs in Durban over the past two years, last teamed ‘Mr Personality’ McIlroy when she directed his smash hit two-hander My Cousin Brother several years ago.
Bobbert watchers familiar with her appearances in benchmark comedy acts such as Brutal Tunes and Defending the Planet, among a host of others, will revel in the prospect of witnessing the actress once again winging it from one calamitously funny high point to the next. Voss’s fans, who packed out touring seasons of his Green/Black Mamba productions, can anticipate a re-union with his achingly funny Beauty and the BEE alter ego, the outrageously brash Beauty Ramapelepele.
“Dare to Dream, which forms part of the Celebrate Durban Spring Season, offers a free, no-strings-attached holiday to orphans and vulnerable children”, says the event organiser Josh Glenny. “Our camps are held over school holidays and run for a minimum of four days in length and a maximum of seven days.
“Our objective is for orphans to get away from their day-to-day environment, let their hair down, and just be kids. Many of them face real hardship everyday, and have never been away on holiday. The children we take are registered orphans within South Africa, aged between seven-15 years old. Each camp has between 50-65 children and 20-30 volunteers. Dare to Dream has been in existence since 2001 and is registered as a Trust, a Non-Profit Organisation and a Public Benefit Organisation.
Tickets for What’s Funny in SA range between R109 to R129. The show starts at 19h00 and runs for approximately 80 minutes excluding a 20-minute interval. So make an evening of it, and sleep in the following day, which is a public holiday. Advance booking is strongly advised through Computicket on 083 915 8000 or call 031 369 9540 / 369 9596 (office hours).