(Pic: “Parabola” - oil on canvas by Nicky Leigh)
Art exhibition by Nicky Leigh opening at the Jack Heath Gallery on October 6.
Depression – Through the fire is the title of an exhibition by Nicky Leigh which opens at the Jack Heath Gallery on October 6.
Established artist Nicky Leigh will present a body of work of painting and drawings on the theme of depression. Having suffered from clinical depression herself, she hopes to offer inspiration and encouragement both to sufferers of depression and others through her work and through speaking about her experience. The work is a documentation of her journey through despair towards hope, healing and a sense of purpose. This exhibition, apart from showcasing Leigh’s latest work, aims to encourage creative perseverance in the face of overwhelming hopelessness.
A series of lectures by professionals in the field of mental health will accompany the exhibition. These presentations are aimed at informing the public about depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder and to offer help to sufferers as well as to family members.
Nicky Leigh views depression as an essential spiritual growth process which develops endurance and strength of character. “Depression leaves us emotionally naked and in a vulnerable state of fragmentation and humiliation. We are stripped bare of meaning in that we lose a sense of all that we once treasured. We become emotionally crippled, unable to feel love, joy and comfort as we feel that everyone can see our brokenness,” says Leigh. The title Through the Fire is a metaphor for Leigh’s experience of depression which she defines as: “an agonizing hell, groaning and yearning for the blessed relief of death.” Her experience is viewed in the context of a spiritual enlightenment through her work and her faith and, finally, a resurrection to glory. She suggests the image of a parabola to describe how wo/man is birthed through depression into a new spiritual awareness.
Depression – Through the fire runs from October 6 to 22 at the Jack Heath Gallery at the Centre for Visual Art, University of KwaZulu Natal (PMB), Ridge Road, Pietermaritzburg. More information on 033 260 5170.
Nicky Leigh will conduct a walkabout of the exhibition on October 9 at 14h15.
A series of lectures by professionals in the field of mental health will accompany the exhibition and will take place on October 17. These presentations are aimed at informing the public about depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder and to offer help to sufferers as well as to family members. For more information about the lecture programme and exhibition, contact 033 346 1651 or email: info@nickyleigh.co.za or visit www.nickyleigh.co.za