Baroque 2000 resumes its 2009 season on October 4 with the first of its four remaining concerts of the year. The venue is the splendid Church of the Monastery, Mariannhill, and the time 15h00. Ralitsa Todorova will perform Vivaldi’s Cello concerto in D minor. Also on the programme are Vivaldi’s La Stravaganza, Albinoni’s Sinfonia in G, and the Suite of Dances by Battista Vitali.
The concert takes place at 15h00 on October 4. Tea, coffee and scones can be enjoyed in the tranquil Monastery gardens before the concert, and there is ample safe parking. Tickets R80 can be had at the door; enquiries to Michel on 031 312 5539. or at sursouth@iafrica.com