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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Colin Penn to feature energy filled show on December 6.

Colin Penn will focus on the well-known group Shanana for his Christmas show.

“Many of you will remember Shanana from the early days of television,” he says. “It has assumed cult proportions in American with at least 6 Shanana groups travelling throughout America. Our production is an energy-filled show with the rock ‘n roll of the 50’s to 70’s featured and will be lots of fun. We are even supplying rock ‘n roll song books for the audience to sing along with Elvis, Chubby Checker, Buddy Holly, Nancy Sinatra and lots more. There are seven artists in the show.”

Colin Penn’s Christmas show will take place in the Norwegian Hall, St Thomas Road, on December 6 at 13h00. A cold buffet will be provided with meats, salads and breyani with dhol, sambals, chutney. Tickets R75

There will be a further performance at the Norwegian Hall on December 11. Tickets R100 offer a cold buffet, breyani and dessert as well as Christmas crackers and streamers etc. Tickets R100.

As the venue can only seat 150, early booking is advisable through Barbara on 031 564 5135. Bring your own drinks.