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Sunday, December 13, 2009


Joanne Hoyer's Master's show at DUT Gallery.

Joanne Hoyer's Master's show is currently running at DUT Gallery. This body of work deals with the use of collage as a strategy in the re-presentation of the female body. This includes the subversion of the male gaze, stereotyping of women and the re-presentation of the female body. The exhibition consists of individual collaged works which form the major work of collage titled A Body of Work.

“Collage takes on many forms in the creation of this body of work where the use of materials is not restricted to paper and glue,” explains Joanne Hoyer. “The materials, such as fabric, paint, stitching and found objects develop the notion of the female experience in the work with reference to a domestic environment. This female experience relates to the feminist theory where women embraced the materials of their everyday lives to project an aesthetic which represented women from a women’s perspective and not from a patriarchal or male dominated view. The male gaze is a constant theme of subversion within the work, I intention was to subvert the female body away from everyday stereotypes of the female body.

“The use of my own history and experience has created a space within which the work exposes itself on a personal level. The body of work has been developed using my own female experience as a strategy to create and resolve my own feminine aesthetic.”

A Body of Work will remain on show until December 17 and the DUT Gallery is situated on the Steve Biko Campus on Mansfield Road.