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Saturday, January 23, 2010


Applications open for Arts & Culture Trust festival grants.

The Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) has announced support from Breadline Africa (BLA) for arts festivals in the form of ACT | BLA Fringe Grants.

“The aim of these grants is to assist organisers of South African festivals to extend their programmes by providing support specifically to facilitate the participation of artists, performers and groups from peri-urban and rural areas,” explains Ashraf Johaardien, general manager of ACT.

Festivals taking place between April 1 and November 15, 2010, are eligible to apply for support and successful applicants will be awarded grants up to a maximum of R50,000. At least 90% of the grant must be utilised to cover the costs of registration fees, venue/equipment hire, transport and accommodation of the designated groups. The remaining 10% may be utilised to cover the costs of administering the grant.

BLA is an African-based charity organisation which aims to help break the cycle of poverty within Africa by helping communities to help themselves. BLA supports projects which will make a permanent difference in the lives of communities affected by extreme poverty in Africa: hunger, homelessness, lack of skills-training and unemployment. BLA encourages communities to achieve long-term self-sustainability and seeks out partnerships of hope and growth in Africa in order to connect people who are struggling to achieve the most basic living conditions with others who are more fortunate and in a position to make a difference. To this end ACT | BLA Fringe Grants aim to assist impoverished communities that are engaged in arts, culture and heritage to realise their full potential.

Application guidelines for ACT | BLA Fringe Grants may be downloaded from The deadline for applications is February 22, 2010.

The Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) is South Africa’s premier, independent arts funding and development agency. For more information go to