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Friday, January 8, 2010


KZNSA exhibition concerning the promotion of the art, science, research and practice of architecture.

Opening at the KZNSA on January 19 is A Celebration of Architecture, an exhibition concerning the promotion of the art, science, research and practice of architecture. The exhibition is an acknowledgement and celebration by the KwaZulu-Natal Institute for Architecture of Corobrik’s long-standing promotion of the architectural profession.

Their contribution includes programmes at both national and regional level. These include the Corobrik SAIA Awards of Merit and Excellence, the Architectural Student of the Year as well as the sole sponsorship of the KZNIA Journal for the past 34 years. The recent 100th issue of this publication has been under the editorship of Walter Peters, the 21st Sophia Gray laureate. This prestigious award is made annually by the University of the Free State. The exhibition and opening lecture celebrates this award and the continuous promotion of excellence in architecture by Corobrik.

A bar and snacks will be available courtesy of Corobrik.

A Celebration of Architecture runs from January 19 to 24 at the KZNSA Gallery in Bulwer Road, Glenwood. More information on 031 277 1705 or email: or visit