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Friday, January 8, 2010


Standard Bank responds to SABT call.

The recent Business and Arts South Africa call to members to support the struggling South African Ballet Theatre has seen the first offering come from Standard Bank.

The bank has made an urgent donation of R10,000 to the South African Ballet Theatre (SABT) in response to the latter’s challenge to 1,000 South African corporates to make a contribution to ensure the survival of the largest ballet company in South Africa and help realise the dreams of future ballet dancers.

“A contribution of as little as R2,000 from each company will make a significant difference in support of SABT and our Matsatsawele programme supporting over 300 children,” the SABT said in its appeal. The SABT has committed to giving all supporting corporates 20% off ticket purchases for the SABT 2010 Ballet Seasons as a token of appreciation and an added value for their support.

“We are joining in the South African Ballet Theatre’s appeal for more corporates and individuals to offer financial support, no matter how small,” said Business and Arts South Africa CEO, Michelle Constant. “Anyone who has experienced their performances or seen the Matsatsawele programme in action will understand just how important it is to ensure the survival of the company.”

For more details contact SABT on 011 877 6898 or email: