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Monday, March 22, 2010


KWAZUNVA, Gallery 415 and Ingrid Lotter Smith combine to host Crit Workshops.

The Kwa-Zulu Natal Visual Arts (KWAZUNVA) in association with Gallery 415 and Ingrid Lotter Smith will be hosting Crit Workshops for advanced and less-advanced artists and people who have reached a crossroads in their art.

Appraisals should aim to be unbiased, effective and constructive. Topics included in the discussion will be Session 1 – Composition, impact, appeal, focal point; Session 2 - Colour, tone, line, texture, light/shadow; Session 3 – Technique, proportion, perspective, intention, and Session 4 – Thought, interpretation, creativity, individuality.

Not only will a selection of artists’ work be appraised but the artist will also be guided in how to appraise their own art and that of others. Each participant is requested to bring a work of art to two sessions (alternating sessions). Those requiring specific help and preferring their work to be appraised with respect to any particular session, should contact in order that the required session may be booked.

Those wanting help with paintings not included in the topics above, should contact in order that she may include it in one of the week’s sessions.

The workshop will run for four months on the second Saturday of each month from 09h00 to 12h00: April 10, May 8; June 12 and July 10.

Cost: R280 which includes all four sessions at which tea will be served. Participants will be required to commit themselves to the entire workshop. The workshop will be held at Gallery 415 (above Spectrum Art Supplies), 415 Umgeni Road. More information from