UKZN Department of Drama and Performance Studies collaborate with KickstArt.
Students of the Department of Drama and Performance Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal are getting a hands-on learning experience by working together with industry leaders to create KickstArt’s first production of the year. This will be celebrated South African playwright Reza de Wet’s whimsical, wintery tale, Miracle, which opens at the Square Space Theatre on campus on March 26.
KickstArt collaborates for the first time with the student community presents Miracle in association with the Department. To pass the baton from one generation to the next requires collaboration and skills-transfer. KickstArt is investing in the generation which follows by having enthusiastic UKZN drama and performance studies students “shadow” the production team for the duration of the creation of Miracle.
Instrumental in facilitating this collaboration is Tamar Meskin, Academic Co-Ordinator of the department at UKZN, Howard College Campus. She will perform in the production herself and has encouraged her students to get involved.
Two lucky and talented third year students, Brett Collopy and Donna Steel, are also appearing in the production. They get the opportunity to share the stage with seasoned professional actors and work with an experienced professional director. All of this provides invaluable experience for aspiring actors. For the rest, the involvement is out of the spotlight.
A group of students with a particular interest in art and design are working alongside award-winning designer, Kickstart founder Greg King, to create the sets. Greg is guiding and tutoring the team during the entire design and creation process – from plans to finished product. The Square Space theatre during the rehearsal and preparation process is uncharacteristically buzzing with activity, as students drop in to participate or watch the evolution process.
Miracle is billed as a hauntingly beautiful, tragic-comedy which draws comparisons with Fellini and takes inspiration from Afrikaans folklore. Produced by KickstArt; translated and directed by Steven Stead; designed by Greg King with lighting design by Tina le Roux, Miracle features Frank Graham; Margaret Logan; Michael Gritten and Tamar Meskin.
Miracle has performances in the Square Space Theatre from March 26 to April 11 at 19h30 from Tuesdays to Saturday (Sunday at 15h00). The performance on March 27 starts earlier at 18h00 because of Earth Hour. Tickets R100 (R80 students/pensioners). Seating is unreserved.
Booking for all KickstArt shows is through Computicket on 083 915 8000 or www.computicket.co.za For more information about KickstArt visit www.kickstart-theatre.co.za KickstArt is grateful to the National Arts Council for their support.