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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


(Pic: Koobeshan Naidoo reviews his married life!)

Yugan Naidoo directs new production for Dingalings Productions.

How desperate can a married man be? Answers range from ‘desolate’ and ‘despondent’ to ‘inconsolable’ and ‘wretched’ sometimes even ‘suicidal’. If you ask any man in secret to describe his state of married life he will use one if not all the previous words. But if the wife is within hearing the words will range from ‘OK’ to ‘incredible’. Why the discrepancy? Why the secrecy? Why the issues? Why the intense fear? Why? Why? Why?

Koobeshen Naidoo, in his one-man play Desperate Husbands will attempt to answer these and many critical questions in an attempt to keep the divorce courts empty and marriage counsellors with fewer problems to deal with. In this comic look at relationships in the 21st century an attempt is made to resolve age old issues that have bamboozled philosophers, psychics and sociologists since time immemorial. He takes audiences through how the emancipation of women has led to the emasculation of the once proud and strong male species. Man now has to deal with his wife being promoted before him, earning more than him and being invited to play golf with the boss. This leaves the once-proud man at home peering into a recipe book, wooden spoon at hand and children tugging at his apron strings. How does this man now deal with his job as a stand-up comic, house husband, lover and father?

In 150 years the Indian male has gone from the leader of a joint family – the pompous head of the household – to a modest, humble man servant.

Desperate Husbands traces this development so that we become aware of this demise and attempt to restore this once proud peacock as the essential member of society he once was, or die in the process. To paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill, the epitome of a real man, Desperate Husbands will teach us to fight them in the bedrooms, to fight them in the boardrooms and in the kitchens. We will never surrender until every last one of us is emancipated or until the wives tell us to behave.

Koobeshen Naidoo has been in several comedies and productions over the last 10 years in various capacities viz director, writer and performer. The most recent productions include directing the radio drama Bloodlines (2009), Thunsil – the life story of Ronnie Govender (2009) and Dingalings at graaf – 9 to 5 (2009). Other interesting productions included Ronnie Govender’s The Lahnee’s Pleasure, cameo roles in Nothing but the Truth by John Kani and Mr Bones2 as well as the lead in Bombay Duck -The movie. Other stage productions include Chops, choons and spano dops, Dingalings 1 and 2 and There’s something about Dr Marie.

Yugan Naidoo is an experienced and accomplished director and has directed most of the Dingaling Production’s performances – including Chops, choons and spano dops and Dingalings 1 and 2, as well as There’s something about Dr Marie and Bad Girls Do Go To Heaven? Many of the prominent actors today have been under the directorship at some time in their experience and these include Krijay Govender, Leeanda Reddy, Keseran Pillay, Afzal Khan (Comedy Shop and There’s something about Dr Marie) Others include Jailoshini Naidoo and other members of Dingalings Productions – Senzo Mthethwa, Henry Ramkissoon, Pranesh Maharaj, Ravi Soobramoney and Kumseela Naidoo.

The world premier of Desperate Husbands will be held at Suncoast Supernova Theatre on April 28 followed by a run until May 2 with shows at 20h30 (Saturdays at 18h00 and 21h00 and Sundays at 18h00). Bookings through Kay on 083 793 9969.