The Family Players present their own team of 11!
Now into its second decade of entertaining, The Family Players and Friends presents the all-new July Holiday Fun Banana Banana at Rhumbelow Theatre to commemorate the World Cup soccer season.
“With this great world event happening in South Africa, we had to have a full Team of 11 to support this show,” quips Roland Stansell. “There’s lots of fruit, lots of sport and lots more fun as we bring you a variety evening ranging from great singer, to great dancing and hilarious funny drag comedy mime. Songs include Boots are Made For Walking, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Son Brolletjies, Dye Another Day and many more. This hilarious mix will be the funniest comedy Drag Mime that you will see south of the Berea. So join us for an evening of Total fun as you enjoy dancing, singing and outrageous costumes, huge eye lashes, large and over the top wigs and make-up to die for “doll”.”
The Family Players - Greg Baptie , Derek Pearce, Sudhir Kuldip and Roland Stansell – will be joined by singers Jaziel Vaugh’hann, Kerry-Lee McKibben and Stefan Oosthuysen as well as dancers Kirsty Randall, Graeme Harpham, Darren Pullen and Kerry Freshwater.
Shows take place from June 25 to 27 and again from July 2 to 4 at 20h00 with Friday and Saturday performances at 20h00 and Sunday shows at 18h30 with an extra performance on July 4 at 14h00. The venue opens 90 minutes before show for picnic dinner.
Tickets R100. Take along food picnic baskets and braais will be available. There is limited secure parking and booking is essential. A cash bar is available (no alcohol may be brought on to the premises). Rhumbelow Theatre is situated in Cunningham Avenue off Bartle Road.
Booking is through Computicket or contact Roland on 031 205 7602 (h) or 082 499 8636, email roland@stansell.za.net or visit www.rhumbelow.za.net