First exhibition in Durban by Sandira Reddy.
The title of Sandira Reddy’s exhibition, All Shades of Brown to be opened at artSPACE Durban on August 23, describes the skin colour element that comes across in all the disciplines in which she works: Graphic Design, Photography and Fine Art. The show will feature pieces from each area illustrating all the facets that make up the artist – the fine artist and designer.
This is the first time Sandira Reddy will exhibit in her hometown of Durban and her aim is to show how her South African background (both political and physical) has influenced her work. It will also showcase how her Indian heritage and migration to England has also affected the art she produces, particularly relevant this year as South Africa celebrates the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Indian migrants, Reddy’s ancestors four generations ago.
All Shades of Brown runs from August 23 to September 11 in the Main Gallery of artSPACE durban is situated at 3 Millar Road (off Umgeni Road) close to the Waste Centre. More information on 031 312 0793 or visit www.artspacedurban.co.za or www.artspacedurban.blogspot.com