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Friday, August 27, 2010


Veteran theatre and TV actor takes a nostalgic trip down memory lane on August 27 and 28.

Theatre and TV stalwart and comedian Vivian Moodley is taking a nostalgic trip down memory lane in his new show Merciless. Presented at the Supernova Theatre, Nu Metro Cine Centre at Suncoast Casino, the show comprises the funniest stand up comedy routines that have been performed by Moodley since the 1970s.

Having recently turned 60, Moodley feels it is time to remind his many fans of exactly how it used to be. “I always get asked ‘when are you going to make us laugh again’ and these sentiments are expressed by people I meet daily” says Moodley when asked why the ‘nostalgic trip’.

And why is the show called Merciless? Moodley replies that no-one and nothing is sacred when it comes to stand up comedy and everyone gets it in the neck and not always lovingly. “I feel that, having been married several times, I am highly qualified to speak on issues such as marital non-bliss, headaches and the like! I will also be performing a lot of new material as well, especially given that we have just found Jackie Selebi guilty as hell!”

The show will also feature Pranesh Maharaj, as the ‘Jack in the Box’ MC.

Merciless has two performances at the Supernova Theatre at Suncoast on August 27 and 28 at 20h00. Tickets R100. More information from Vivian Moodley on 084 760 1096.