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Monday, August 30, 2010


The Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) has launched a fresh new-look website. This provides applicants, participants and stakeholders with extensive information about ACT and the Trust’s programmes.

“In recent years the ACT brand has grown quite substantially and the website is a good articulation of this evolution. I am particularly pleased that we have been able to achieve this without compromising functionality,” says ACT‘s General Manager, Pieter Jacobs. The website features a super-user-friendly online application process for the ACT Development Programme, a media section featuring ACT’s announcements and calls for applications. The Downloads section is where guidelines, as well as the relevant forms can be downloaded.

The ACT Development Programme is open for applications on an ongoing basis. The funding cycles are specified on the ACT website. The call for applications for the ACT Festivals Programme is within the first three months of a new year, registration for the ACT Scholarship Programme opens in November and the call for nominations for the ACT Awards is circulated by mid-year. Applicants have a specified period within which applications can be processed.

“Stay updated with calls for registration, nomination or application by subscribing to ACT’s mailing list on the website. Visitors can also join ACT’s Facebook and Twitter groups via the site,” suggests Nomalanga Nkosi, Programmes Manager of ACT.

The Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) is South Africa’s premier, independent arts funding and development agency. The primary aim of ACT is to increase the amount of funding available for arts and culture initiatives, and to apply these funds to innovative, sustainable projects that make a meaningful contribution to society. For more information visit